11th Thurgau Experimental Economics Meeting (theem)

Behavior in a Crisis

29. – 31.03.2023, Kreuzlingen (CH)

Organized by the Thurgau Institute of Economics at the University of Konstanz

Keynote Speakers:

Farzana Afridi is a Professor of Economics at the Indian Statistical Institute in New Delhi and a Visiting Senior Fellow at the National University of Singapore. Her widely published research in development and labor economics focuses on gender, social identity, human capital, and governance. Her most recent work examines the gendered impacts of crises and how public policies could mitigate negative shocks. Among other appointments, Farzana is the Lead Academic of the International Growth Centre’s India program and currently heads the Digital Labor and Women Economic Empowerment program, supported by the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation.

Michael Callen is an Associate Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. His widely published research addresses open questions in political economy and development economics using experimental methods. His most recent work utilizes experiments to identify ways to address accountability and service delivery failures in the public sector. Among other appointments, he is an Affiliate of Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD), the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD), the Jameel-Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), the Center for Economic Research Pakistan (CERP), Empirical Studies of Conflict (ESOC), and a Principal Investigator on the Building Capacity for the Use of Research Evidence (BCURE): Data and evidence for smart policy design project.


How does a crisis affect people’s behavior? One crisis follows another: financial crises, the European migrant crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, an energy crisis, and, of course, the climate crisis that has been looming for decades. Do individuals adjust their behavior to mitigate the personal and societal severity of a crisis, and if so, how? Is behavioral change only restricted to domains that relate directly to the crisis, or does it spill over to other domains? How can institutions foster citizens’ cooperation to overcome the crisis? What are the group dynamics emerging from a crisis, and how do they affect the crisis? To answer such questions, we invite contributions from economics, psychology, sociology, and political science.

Important Dates:

25th January, 2023: Submission deadline
09th February, 2023: Notification of acceptance
26th February, 2023: Registration deadline for presenters
13th March, 2023: Registration deadline for non-presenters
29th March, 2023, 12:00 am: Theem starts
31st March, 2023, 2:30 pm: End of Theem (times are preliminary)

If you would like to present your research, please submit an extended abstract (max. 2000 characters, or about 300 words) in .txt format below. The conference fee is EUR 200 (including coffee breaks and the conference dinner).

Please forward this call for papers to other researchers who might be interested in the topic.
For further questions please contact us via hc.meehtobfsctd-8a2b63@ofni.


Organized by:

Ankush Asri

Viola Asri Adrian Chadi Holly Dykstra Urs Fischbacher
Max Lobeck Katrin Schmelz

Irenaeus Wolff

Where to stay

Our hotel recommendations

http://www.hotelsix.ch/ (directly at the border between Germany and Switzerland)

www.hotel-kreuzlingen.ch (near the restaurant Alti Badi and PH Thurgau)

http://www.hotel-konstanz.com (a hotel near the border in Konstanz)

www.hotelbarbarossa.de (in the old city of Konstanz)

http://www.hotel-viva-sky.de (near main train station Konstanz)

www.cityhotel-konstanz.de (also very near to the main train station)

How to get to theem

Theem takes place at the Kult-X, Hafenstrasse 8, CH-8280 Kreuzlingen.

By train

You can get to Kreuzlingen by train with the SBB (https://www.sbb.ch). The final station is Kreuzlingen. You can reach the Thurgau Institute of Economics by bus line 924. Please get off the bus at the stop Bärenplatz. You can reach Konstanz by Deutsche Bahn (https://www.bahn.de). From the main station take bus line 908 to get to the Thurgau Institute of Economics. Please get off the bus at the stop Bärenplatz.

By car

You can get to Kreuzlingen from Zurich on highway N7. From the north you can get to Kreuzlingen on highway A81. Please follow direction Kreuzlingen centre. Parking is possible at Bärenplatz opposite the Thurgau Institute of Economics.

By plane

The international airport next to Kreuzlingen is Zurich Kloten. From Zurich Kloten there is a direct train connection taking about one hour to Kreuzlingen with the SBB (https://www.sbb.ch). The regional airport next to Kreuzlingen is Friedrichshafen. From Friedrichshafen situated on the north side of the Lake Constance you can get to Kreuzlingen by express bus, train or ship.

On the maps

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