Income or Leisure? On the Hidden Benefits of (Un-) Employment
Chadi, Adrian and Clemens Hetschko (forthcoming): Income or Leisure? On the Hidden Benefits of (Un-) Employment, European Economic Review.
Die Research Papers des Thurgauer Wirtschaftsinstituts finden Sie im Bereich TWI Research Paper Series.
Chadi, Adrian and Clemens Hetschko (forthcoming): Income or Leisure? On the Hidden Benefits of (Un-) Employment, European Economic Review.
Chadi, Adrian and Konstantin Homolka (forthcoming): Perceived co-worker attractiveness and task performance in work groups, Applied Economics Letters.
Bhatia, Deepti, Urs Fischbacher, Jan Hausfeld, and Regina Stumpf. 2024. „Blame and praise: responsibility attribution patterns in decision chains“, Experimental Economics. [...]
Dvorak, F., Fischbacher, U. & Schmelz, K. (2024). Strategic Conformity or Anticonformity to Avoid Punishment and Attract Reward, The Economic Journal, ueae085.
Dvorak, F., Fehrler, S. (2024). Negotiating cooperation under uncertainty: communication in noisy, indefinitely repeated interactions. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 16(3), [...]
Efferson, Charles, Helen Bernhard, Urs Fischbacher, and Ernst Fehr. 2024. „Super-additive cooperation“, Nature: 1-8.
Chadi, Adrian and Laszlo Goerke (2023): Seeking Shelter in Times of Crisis? Unemployment, Perceived Job Insecurity and Trade Union Membership, Economica, 90(359), 1041‑1088
Chadi, Adrian and Konstantin Homolka (2023): Under (Peer) Pressure: Experimental Evidence on Team Size and Task Performance, Managerial and Decision Economics, 44(7), 3769-3786
Dvorak, F. (2023). stratEst: a software package for strategy frequency estimation. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 9, 337–349.
Fischbacher, Urs, David Grammling, Jan Hausfeld, and Vojtěch Zíka. Identity breeds inequality: Evidence from a laboratory experiment on redistribution, Journal of Public Economics 222: 104866.
Fischbacher, Urs, and Irenaeus Wolff. 2023. ‚Editorial: Symposium “Pre-results review”‘, Experimental Economics 26: 491-98.
Fischbacher Urs, Dorothea Kübler, Robert Stüber. „Betting on Diversity—Occupational Segregation and Gender Stereotypes“, forthcoming, Management Science.
Fischbacher, Urs, Levent Neyse, David Richter, and Carsten Schröder. 2023. „Adding household surveys to the behavioral economics toolbox: Insights from the SOEP Innovation Sample“, [...]
Chadi, Adrian, and Konstantin Homolka. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 199, 122-159.
Fischbacher, Urs, Jan Hausfeld, and Baiba Renerte. Games and Economic Behavior, 136: 63-91.
Asri, A., Asri, V., Renerte, B., Föllmi-Heusi, F., Leuppi, J. D., Muser, J., & Fischbacher, U. PLoS one, 17(5), e0268775.
Asri, V., Michaelowa, K., Panda, S. and Paul, S. B. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 200, August 2022, 820-846.
Schmelz, K. & Bowles, S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 119(13). March 22, 2022.
Chadi, Adrian, Mario Mechtel and Vanessa Mertins, Experimental Economics, 25, 287–317.
Dominik Folli and Irenaeus Wolff, Journal of Economic Psychology, 88: 102458, 2022
Asri A, Asri V, Renerte B, Föllmi-Heusi F, Leuppi JD, et al. (2021) Wearing a mask—For yourself or for others? Behavioral correlates of mask wearing among COVID-19 frontline workers. PLOS ONE [...]
Schmelz, K. & Bowles, S. (2021). Overcoming COVID-19 vaccination resistance when alternative policies affect the dynamics of conformism, social norms and crowding-out. Proceedings of the [...]
Schmelz, K. (2021). Enforcement may crowd out voluntary support for Covid-19 policies, especially where trust in government is weak and in a liberal society. Proceedings of the National Academy [...]
Janas, Moritz and Oljemark, Emilia: Trust and reputation under asymmetric information, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Volume 185, May 2021, pp. 97-124. mehr lesen
Irenaeus Wolff, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 184: 16-29, 2021
Schmelz, K. & Ziegelmeyer, A. (2020). Reactions to (the absence of) control and workplace arrangements: Experimental evidence from the Internet and the laboratory. Experimental Economics, [...]
Sebastian Fehrler, Moritz Janas, Delegation to a Group, Management Science, Published Online: November 30, 2020 mehr lesen
Irenaeus Wolff, Journal of Economic Psychology, 74: 102197, 2019
Bettina Rockenbach and Irenaeus Wolff, Review of Behavioral Economics, 6: 19–37, 2019
29. - 31.03.2023
Am Donnerstag, 7. November fand das jährliche Thurgauer Prognoseforum auf dem Lilienberg in Ermatingen statt. Es ist eine schicksalshafte Woche für Europa und die Welt in der das Forum in diesem [...]
Chadi, Adrian and Clemens Hetschko (forthcoming): Income or Leisure? On the Hidden Benefits of (Un-) Employment, European Economic Review.
Chadi, Adrian and Konstantin Homolka (forthcoming): Perceived co-worker attractiveness and task performance in work groups, Applied Economics Letters.
Bhatia, Deepti, Urs Fischbacher, Jan Hausfeld, and Regina Stumpf. 2024. „Blame and praise: responsibility attribution patterns in decision chains“, Experimental Economics. [...]
Dvorak, F., Fischbacher, U. & Schmelz, K. (2024). Strategic Conformity or Anticonformity to Avoid Punishment and Attract Reward, The Economic Journal, ueae085.
Dvorak, F., Fehrler, S. (2024). Negotiating cooperation under uncertainty: communication in noisy, indefinitely repeated interactions. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 16(3), [...]
Rudorf, S., Baumgartner, T., Markett, S., Schmelz, K., Wiest, R., Fischbacher, U., & Knoch, D. (2018). Intrinsic connectivity networks underlying individual differences in control-averse [...]
Rudorf, S., Schmelz, K., Baumgartner, T., Wiest, R., Fischbacher, U., & Knoch, D. (2018). Neural mechanisms underlying individual differences in control-averse behavior. The Journal of [...]
Lobmaier, Janek S, Urs Fischbacher, Fabian Probst, Urs Wirthmüller and Daria Knoch, Accumulating Evidence Suggests That Men Do Not Find Body Odours of Human Leucocyte Antigen-Dissimilar Women [...]
Joachim Plesch and Irenaeus Wolff, games, 9(2), 24, 2018
Urs Fischbacher, Gerson Hoffmann, Simeon Schudy, The causal effect of stop-loss and take-gain orders on the disposition effect, The Review of Financial Studies 30 (6), 2110-2129., 2017
Fabian Probst, Urs Fischbacher, Janek S. Lobmaier, Urs Wirthmüller and Daria Knoch, Men’s Preferences for Women’s Body Odours Are Not Associated with Human Leucocyte Antigen, [...]
Urs Fischbacher, Nadja Kairies-Black and Ulrike Stefani, Non-Additivity and the Salience of Marginal Productivities: Experimental Evidence on Distributive Fairness, Economica, 84(336), 587-610., 2017
Maik Bieleke, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Gabriele Oettingen and Urs Fischbacher, Social Value Orientation Moderates the Effects of Intuition Versus Reflection on Responses to Unfair Ultimatum Offers, [...]
Irenaeus Wolff, Economics Letters, 150: 83–85, 2017
Fadong Chen and Urs Fischbacher, Response Time and Click Position: Cheap Indicators of Preferences, Journal of the Economics Science Association 2(2), 109-126. doi: 10.1007/s40881-016-0026-6., 2016
Birgit M. Beisswingert, Keshun Zhang , Thomas Goetz, Urs Fischbacher, Spillover Effects of Loss of Control on Risky Decision-Making, PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150470. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150470., 2016
Aleksandra Kupferberg, Oliver M. Hager, Urs Fischbacher, Laura S. Brändle, Melanie Haynes, Gregor Hasler, Testing the social competition hypothesis of depression using a simple economic game, [...]
Nora Preuss, Laura S. Brändle, Oliver M. Hager, Melanie Haynes, Urs Fischbacher, and Gregor Hasler, Inconsistency and social decision making in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder, [...]
Kimmich, Christian, and Urs Fischbacher, Behavioral determinants of supply chain integration and coexistence, Journal of Forest Economics 25, 55-77., 2016
Bettina Rockenbach and Irenaeus Wolff, German Economic Review, 17(3): 316–336, 2016
Irenaeus Wolff, Economics Letters, 141: 134–137, 2016
Björn Bartling, Urs Fischbacher and Simeon Schudy, Pivotality and Responsibility Attribution in Sequential Voting, Journal of Public Economics 128, 133-39 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2015.03.010., 2015
Gerald Eisenkopf and Urs Fischbacher, Naïve responses to kind delegation, Managerial and Decision Economics 36(7), 487–498., 2015
Gerald Eisenkopf, Zohal Hessami, Urs Fischbacher, and Heinrich Ursprung, Academic Performance and Single-Sex Schooling: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Switzerland, Journal of Economic [...]
Beisswingert Birgit M., Keshun Zhang, Thomas Goetz, Ping Fang, and Urs Fischbacher, The Effects of Subjective Loss of Control on Risk-taking Behavior: The Mediating Role of Anger, Frontiers in [...]
Chen, Yan, Ernst Fehr, Urs Fischbacher, and Peter Morgan, Decentralized matching and social segregation, Games and Economic Behavior 90, 17-43. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2014.11.004, 2015
Ernst Fehr, Elena Tougareva, Urs Fischbacher, Do High Stakes and Competition Undermine Fair Behaviour? Evidence from Russia, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 108, 354-363., 2014
Philipp A.W. Käser, Cornelius J. König, Urs Fischbacher, Martin Kleinmann, Helping as Mundane Knowledge Sharing: Do Bundled Help Request and Quiet Time Increase Performance?, Journal of [...]
Urs Fischbacher, Simeon Schudy, Sabrina Teyssier, Heterogeneous reactions to heterogeneity in returns from public goods, Social Choice and Welfare 43(1), 195-217., 2014
Urs Fischbacher and Simeon Schudy, Reciprocity and resistance to comprehensive reform, Public Choice 160(3-4), 411-428., 2014
Jonathan Schulz, Urs Fischbacher, Christian Thöni, and Verena Utikal, Affect and fairness: Dictator games under cognitive load, Journal of Economic Psychology 41, 77-87., 2014
Verena Utikal and Urs Fischbacher, Attribution of Externalities. An economic Approach to the Knobe Effect, Economics and Philosophy 30, 215-240., 2014
Sabrina Strang, Verena Utikal, Urs Fischbacher, Bernd Weber, and Armin Falk, Neural Correlates of Receiving an Apology and Active Forgiveness: An fMRI Study, PLoS ONE 9, e87654., 2014
Andreas Pedroni, Christoph Eisenegger, Matthias N. Hartmann, Urs Fischbacher, and Daria Knoch, Dopaminergic stimulation increases selfish behavior in the absence of punishment threat, [...]
J.Philipp Reiss and Irenaeus Wolff, Experimental Economics, 17(4): 586–614, 2014
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